BIF Resin Flooring | Guide | Avoiding Slips & Trips
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Performance Interior Floors, Walls & Ceilings

Safe | Durable | Hygienic | Guaranteed

Slips & Trips

information page 

Understanding the problem

During 2014 & 2015 falls and slips & trips combined, accounted for more than a third  (36%) of  employee injuries.


They accounted for nearly six in ten specified injuries (59%) and almost three in ten (29%) over seven-day injuries to employees (reportable under RIDDOR).

An estimated 2.1 million working days were lost due to handling injuries and slips & trips.

Every business has a legal obligation to ensure floor surfaces are safe to use for staff, visitors and the General Public. Every Government entity has the same obligation to staff and the General Public.

The floor surface in this photo illustrates what we do; taking the most uneven, damaged or poorly repaired surfaces and transforming them into functional safe and durable working surfaces.

What you must comply with;


The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Requires employers to ensure the health and safety of all employees and anyone affected by their work, so far as is reasonably practicable. 

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

Require employers to assess risks (including slip and trip risks) and where necessary, take action to address them.

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

Require floors to be suitable, in good condition and free from obstructions. People should be able to move around safely.

Your First Steps...

Firstly you should Risk Assess all floor areas within your premises. The assessment process is quite simple and will help you identify;

  • Major hazards which you should rectify without delay,

  • Areas which may need added signage

  • Areas which would be improved by thorough cleaning

  • Areas which need repair

  • Areas which are not suited for their function

  • Changes in floor level not visibly marked

  • Pedestrian routes not clearly or effectively separate from vehicular movement.


The good news is that you can quickly find the information you need to quickly, form an assessment and identify risk areas.


Once you've completed your assessment, keep the information on file and review it periodically, as floors wear and circumstances change.

To get you started follow the link below, which will take you to the Slips & Trips section of the HSE Website. 

BIF EP Grip Eco Sample
Resin Floor Lining Detail
Line Marking

Install Yourselves?

BIF will work with you and provide necessary materials to allow you to install resin flooring for slip resistant aprons at doorways or to provide materials for line marking for self installation.


Just call us on 01777 709500 to discuss what you need and we'll provide guidance, a quotation and arrange delivery to you.

Your Next Step...

Give our team a call on 01777 709500 and discuss which areas have been identified in your survey as a risk.


If there are areas where the floor is slippery, uneven or pose either a slip or trip hazard we can help. 

For a few minor repairs, just photograph and email the repairs needed and we'll provide a cost to complete the work. For larger or more numerous repairs, just get in touch by email or call us on 01777 709500 and we can arrange a visit to assess the issue.


If you prefer, we'll even complete a survey of all your floors, highlighting potential issues and provide a cost for each repair. Our visit is free and detailed costs will be forwarded to you for you to consider.

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